Friday, July 31, 2009

Things I'm happy for today

1. Getting into my classroom and getting things situated to where I feel I won't be too overwhelmed come Monday when work starts.

2. Finding the right length Ethernet cord for the computer in my classroom so I can move it to my desk and not have to keep it on the other side of the room.

3. Getting to listen to my Sugarland CD (now on my Ipod) which I haven't heard in ages. I made more heart soar! It's their first CD and I just lurve their songs.

4. Having lunch for the last time this summer with my girl, Jen, at Pasta House. Me lovey love their salad and spaghetti pomodoro!

5. Coming home to my doggy and his wiggle butt (no tail) and his deep throated growl of happiness upon seeing me. Watching him practice his roll-over for a cookie - he almost has it but he's so fixated on the cookie that he starts rolling over, gets there, then rolls back because he is just too excited and wants to goodness that smells like sausage!

6. Getting tagged by My Husband's Watching TV with the "Premium Meme Award!" Will have to work on that one later!

7. Finding one of my favorite bottles of wine among my many and excitedly having a glass early this Friday. Hey, it's 5 o'clock somewhere! Plus, I'm home and I ain't going anywhere anytime soon!

8. Finding out I have a new follower! I'm up to three now! Hi to Cheryl! Thanks for following me!

9. Getting ready to take my last weekday nap of the summer! Sigh, I'll miss them, but I'm happy to be getting back to a schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I made you happy. I love Pasta House salad too. Sorry for you about having to go back to school but that means I get to give all the kids back to their teachers and relax for the next 42 weeks. Good luck at school!


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