Is it me, or is there an abundance of blogs out there of girls describing themselves as "newlyweds" and married to "the love of their life" and can't wait to "spend every waking moment with their soulmate?" I am all for a happy marriage because I have one, but must we gush all over our blogs about it? I have been checking out the bloggers in my hometown and a good majority who have a following have at least one of those descriptions in their profile. Hey, if you have been married for under 2 years, then sure, by all means, describe yourself as a newlywed. But must you also include that you married the love of your life and your soul mate? Wouldn't that be assumed? I would hope you didn't settle for some schlub who happened to ask you and you decided "Eh, I'm not getting any younger, what the hell!" Usually people tend to marry that special someone, not just the next best thing. At least that's what I have learned in my 37 years. We don't have arranged marriages here in the states, do we? Then I could see the confusion about being married to the love of your life or the man your parents picked out for you. I guess my five year anniversary just a week ago has definitely kicked me out of the newlywed category, and I don't need to gush for all the world about how wonderful my husband is - he knows because he puts up with me on a daily basis. I guess I'm just a jaded oldywed...

lol great post!