Well, this weekend I had my first knitting lesson. Apparently you don't become an expert knitter on your first go-around. I wanted to become a pro immediately and was quickly frustrated by my fingers lack of cooperation. I couldn't believe how quickly my hands lost feeling in them as well. At one point I actually threw the would-be scarf on the floor, needles and all, and would have gotten up and stomped on them like a four-year old if they hadn't been rescued by my fine friend and teacher when she said "Ack! Give me that!" She surely has the patience of a saint. I one the other hand, have spent the past several days visualizing what my knitting should look like - how my hands should look like like, what the yarn should do while in my hand. I then got the courage to pick up my project today and managed to complete three rows correctly. PROGRESS!!! I then put it back down - happy - content - that I am now considering myself a skilled knitter and can quit and move on to another project.

Just kidding. I will keep practicing, but in small steps so as not to frustrate myself too much.